Molecular Imaging
M. Lauterbach | Imagerie Moléculaire
Li-Pao Fang, Ching-Hsin Lin, Yasser Medlej, Renping Zhao, Hsin-Fang Chang, Qilin Guo, Zhonghao Wu, Yixun Su, Na Zhao, Davide Gobbo, Amanda Wyatt, Vanessa Wahl, Frederic Fiore, Szu-Min Tu, Ulrich Boehm, Wenhui Huang, Shan Bian, Amit Agarwal, Marcel A. Lauterbach, Chenju Yi, Jianqin Niu, Anja Scheller, Frank Kirchhoff & Xianshu Bai
Oligodendrocyte precursor cells facilitate neuronal lysosome release, Nature Communications. 16(1):1175 (2025). doi
Carina C. Theobald, Ahmadali Lotfinia, Jan A. Knobloch, Yasser Medlej, David R. Stevens, Marcel A. Lauterbach,
Distribution of spine classes shows intra-neuronal dendritic heterogeneity in mouse cortex, Neurophoton. 12(1), 015001 (2025). doi
Jan A. Knobloch, Gilles Laurent, Marcel A. Lauterbach
STED microscopy reveals dendrite-specificity of spines in turtle cortex. Progress in Neurobiology, 231:102541, 2023. doi
Angelina Staudt, Olga Ratai, Aicha Bouzouina, Claudia Fecher-Trost, Ahmed Shaaban, Hawraa Bzeih, Alexander Horn, Ali H. Shaib, Margarete Klose, Veit Flockerzi, Marcel A. Lauterbach, Jens Rettig and Ute Becherer
Localization of the Priming Factors CAPS1 and CAPS2 in Mouse Sensory Neurons Is Determined by Their N-Termini. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 14;15:674243, April 2022. doi
Shweta Suiwal, Mayur Dembla, Karin Schwarz, Rashmi Katiyar, Martin Jung, Yvonne Carius, Stephan Maxeiner, Marcel A Lauterbach, C Roy D Lancaster, Frank Schmitz
Ciliary Proteins Repurposed by the Synaptic Ribbon: Trafficking Myristoylated Proteins at Rod Photoreceptor Synapses, The International Journal of Neuroscience, 27;23(13):7135, June 2020. doi
Chitirala, P., Ravichandran, K., Schirra, C., Chang, HF., Krause, E., Kazmaier, U., Lauterbach, M. A., Rettig, J.
Role of V-ATPase a3-Subunit in Mouse CTL Function. The Journal of Immunology, 204 (10) 2818-2828, May 2020. doi
Hirose, T., Cabrera-Socorro, A., Chitayat, D., Lemonnier, T., Féraud, O., Cifuentes-Diaz, C., Gervasi, N., Mombereau, C., Ghosh, T., Stoica, L., d'Arc Al Bacha, J., Yamada, H., Lauterbach, M. A., Guillon, M., Kaneko, K., Norris, J. W., Siriwardena, K., Blaser, S., Teillon, J., Mendoza-Londono, R., Russeau, M., Hadoux, J., Ito, S., Corvol, P., Matheus, M. G., Holden, K. R., Takei, K., Emiliani, V., Bennaceur-Griscelli, A., Schwartz, C. E., Nguyen, G., and Groszer, M.
ATP6AP2 variant impairs CNS development and neuronal survival to cause fulminant neurodegeneration. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 129(5), April 2019. doi
Rangaraju, V., Lauterbach, M. A., and Schuman, E. M.
Spatially stable mitochondrial compartments fuel local translation during plasticity. Cell, 176(1–2):73, Jan 2019. doi
Reiter, S., Hu¨lsdunk, P., Woo, T., Lauterbach, M. A., Eberle, J. S., Akay, L. A., Longo, A., Meier-Credo, J., Kretschmer, F., Langer, J. D., Kaschube, M., and Laurent, G.
Elucidating the control and development of skin patterning in cuttlefish. Nature, 562(7727):361–366, Oct 2018. doi
Richter, K. N., Revelo, N. H., Seitz, K. J., Helm, M. S., Sarkar, D., Saleeb, R. S., D’Este, E., Eberle, J., Wagner, E., Vogl, C., Lazaro, D. F., Richter, F., Coy-Vergara, J., Coceano, G., Boyden, E. S., Duncan, R. R., Hell, S. W., Lauterbach, M. A., Lehnart, S. E., Moser, T., Outeiro, T., Rehling, P., Schwappach, B., Testa, I., Zapiec, B., and Rizzoli, S. O.
Glyoxal as an alternative fixative to formaldehyde in immunostaining and super-resolution microscopy. The EMBO Journal, 37(1):139–159, 2018. doi url
Lauterbach, M. A., Guillon, M., Desnos, C., Khamsing, D., Jaffal, Z., Darchen, F., and Emil- iani, V.
Superresolving dendritic spine morphology with STED microscopy under holographic photostimulation. Neurophotonics, 3(4):041806, 2016. url doi
Lauterbach*, M. A., Ronzitti*, E., Sternberg, J. R., Wyart, C., and Emiliani, V.
Fast calcium imaging with optical sectioning via HiLo microscopy. Plos One, 10(12):e0143681, December 2015. doi
* contributed equally.
Li, D., H´erault, K., Zylbersztejn, K., Lauterbach, M. A., Guillon, M., Oheim, M., and Rop- ert, N.
Astrocyte VAMP3 vesicles undergo Ca2+-independent cycling and modulate glutamate transporter trafficking. Journal of Physiology, 593(13):2807–2832, July 2015. doi
Guillon, M. and Lauterbach, M. A.
Quantitative confocal spiral phase contrast. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 31(6):1215–1225, 2014. doi
Lauterbach, M. and Eggeling, C. Foundations of STED microscopy. In Fornasiero, E. F. and Rizzoli, S. O., editors,
Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques in the Neurosciences, volume 86 of Springer Protocols: Neuromethods, pages 41–71. Humana Press, New York, 2014.
Lauterbach, M. A., Guillon, M., Soltani, A., and Emiliani, V.
STED microscope with spiral phase contrast. Scientific Reports, 3:2050, 2013. doi
Wilk, C. M., Schildberg, F. A., Lauterbach, M. A., Cadeddu, R.-P., Fr¨obel, J., Westphal, V., Tolba, R. H., Hell, S. W., Czibere, A., Bruns, I., and Haas, R.
The tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 improves migration and adhesion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Experimental Hematology, 41(9):823–831.e2, 2013. doi
Wagner*, E., Lauterbach*, M. A., Kohl, T., Westphal, V., Williams, G. S. B., Stein- brecher, J. H., Streich, J.-H., Korff, B., Tuan, H.-T. M., Hagen, B., Luther, S., Hasenfuss, G., Parlitz, U., Jafri, M. S., Hell, S. W., Lederer, W. J., and Lehnart, S. E.
Stimulated emission depletion live-cell super-resolution imaging shows proliferative remodeling of t-tubule membrane structures after myocardial infarction. Circulation Research, 111(4):402–414, 2012. * contributed equally. url doi
Lauterbach, M. A., Guillon, M., and Emiliani, V. Imagerie STED en milieu biologique.
In Mottin, S. and Ramaz, F., editors, Biophotonique G´en´erale – Optique & Imageries pour le Diagnostic dans les Sciences du Vivant et en M´edecine, Int´egration des savoirs et des savoir- faire, pages 131–133. Publications Mission Ressources et Comp´etences Technologiques, Meudon, France, 2012.
Lauterbach, M. A.
Finding, defining and breaking the diffraction barrier in microscopy – a historical perspective. Optical Nanoscopy, 1(1):8, 2012. doi url
Wurm, C. A., Neumann, D., Lauterbach, M. A., Harke, B., Egner, A., Hell, S. W., and Jakobs, S.
Nanoscale distribution of mitochondrial import receptor Tom20 is adjusted to cellular conditions and exhibits an inner-cellular gradient. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(33):13546–13551, 2011. doi
Hsu, C., Morohashi, Y., Yoshimura, S.-i., Manrique-Hoyos, N., Jung, S., Lauterbach, M. A., Bakhti, M., Grønborg, M., M¨obius, W., Rhee, J., Barr, F. A., and Simons, M.
Regulation of exosome secretion by Rab35 and its GTPase-activating proteins TBC1D10A–C. Journal of Cell Biology, 189(2):223–232, April 2010. doi
Hoopmann, P., Punge*, A., Barysch*, S. V., Westphal, V., Bu¨ckers, J., Opazo, F., Bethani, I., Lauterbach, M. A., Hell, S. W., and Rizzoli, S. O.
Endosomal sorting of readily releasable synaptic vesicles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(44):19055–19060, 2010. * contributed equally. doi
Kamin*, D., Lauterbach*, M. A., Westphal, V., Keller, J., Sch¨onle, A., Hell, S. W., and Rizzoli, S. O.
High- and low-mobility stages in the synaptic vesicle cycle. Biophysical Journal, 99:675–684, 2010. * contributed equally. doi
Lauterbach, M. A., Keller, J., Sch¨onle, A., Kamin, D., Westphal, V., Rizzoli, S. O., and Hell, S. W.
Comparing video-rate STED nanoscopy and confocal microscopy of living neurons. Journal of Biophotonics, 3(7):417–424, 2010. Highlighted on the journal cover. doi
Lauterbach, M. A., Ullal, C. K., Westphal, V., and Hell, S. W.
Dynamic imaging of colloidal- crystal nanostructurs at 200 frames per second. Langmuir, 26(18):14400–14404, 2010. High- lighted on the journal cover of the March 2011 issue. doi
Lauterbach, M. A.
Fast STED Microscopy. PhD thesis, Georg-August-Universit¨at zu Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, 2009.
[17] Westphal*, V., Rizzoli*, S. O., Lauterbach, M. A., Kamin, D., Jahn, R., and Hell, S. W.
Video- rate far-field optical nanoscopy dissects synaptic vesicle movement. Science, 320(5873):246–249, * contributed equally. doi
Westphal*, V., Lauterbach*, M. A., Di Nicola, A., and Hell, S. W.
Dynamic far-field fluorescence nanoscopy. New Journal of Physics, 9:435, 2007. * contributed equally. doi
Lauterbach, M. A., Ruckel, M., and Denk, W.
Light-efficient, quantum-limited interferometric wavefront estimation by virtual mode sensing. Optics Express, 14(9):3700–3714, 2006. doi
Molecular Imaging
Prof. Dr.
Marcel Lauterbach
+49 6841/16-16410 |
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Curriculum Vitae |
Saarland University
Medical Faculty
Prof. Dr. Marcel Lauterbach
CIPMM | Building 48
D-66421 Homburg (Saar)