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CIPMM Members

Center for Integrative Physiology and Molecular Medicine



Alansary, Dalia

Alansary, Dalia

Scientific Staff

AG Niemeyer

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16311

Alawar, Nadia

Alawar, Nadia

PHD Student

AG Rettig

Andres, Christel

Andres, Christel

Coordination Lehre Physiologie


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16233

Andres, Jeanette

PhD Studentin

AG Niemeyer

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16320

Awuku, Nana-Oye

Awuku, Nana-Oye


t: +49 (0) 6841- 16-16472

Bai, Xianshu

Bai, Xianshu

Scientific Staff

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16442

Becherer, Ute

Becherer, Ute

Scientific Staff

AG Rettig

t: 06841-16-16409

Bergsträßer, Anja

Bergsträßer, Anja

Technical Assistant

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16417

Blum, Kerstin

Scientific Staff

AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16219

Blum, Thomas

PhD Student

AG Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16375

Bortolanza, Mariza


AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16450

Bracic, Gerhard


AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16202

Bruns, Dieter

Bruns, Dieter

Molecular Neurophysiology

AG Bruns

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16494

Chang, Hsin-Fang

Chang, Hsin-Fang

Scientific Staff

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16417

Dancker, Tobias

Dancker, Tobias

PhD student

t: 06841/-16-16414

Daul, Anna

Daul, Anna

Medical student

Eltze, Gasper

Eltze, Gasper

Medical student

Engel, Jutta

Engel, Jutta

Hair Cell Physiology

AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16221

Fang, Lipao

Fang, Lipao


AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16447

Fischer, Kerstin

Fischer, Kerstin

Technical Assistant

AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16229

Frisch, Holger

IT & E-Werkstatt


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16262

Frisch, Janina

wiss. Mitarbeiterin

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16243

Frisch, Walentina

Frisch, Walentina

Technical Assistant

AG Bruns

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16473

Förderer, Kathrin

techn. Mitarbeiterin

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16327

Gelonch-Capell, Paula

Gelonch-Capell, Paula


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16472

Gobbo, Davide

Gobbo, Davide

Scientific Staff

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16445

Goldmann, Agata

Goldmann, Agata


t: +49(0) 6841 16-16472

Gruere, Ombeline

Gruere, Ombeline

PhD Student

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16447

Guo, Qilin

Guo, Qilin

PhD Student

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16449

Heller, André

Master Student

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16379

Hoffmann, Markus

wiss. HK

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16243

Hohmann, Meltem

Hohmann, Meltem

Scientific Staff

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16407

Hoth, Markus

Hoth, Markus


AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16300

Hoxha, Cora

Technical Assistant

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16319

Huang, Guobin

Huang, Guobin

Scientific Staff

AG Bruns

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16471

Huang, Wenhui

Huang, Wenhui

Scientific Staff

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16446

Huber, Tamara

Technical Assistant

AG Leinders-Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16377

Ibrahim, Omnia Mohmed Khamis

Ibrahim, Omnia Mohmed Khamis

PhD Student

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16405

Janku, Sandra

Technical Assistant

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16312

Jansky, Johanna

PhD Studentin

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16319

Jarzembowski, Lukas


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16319

Jost, Priska

PhD Studentin

AG Niemeyer

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16320

Kaleja, Regine


AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16300

Kaschek, Lea


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16319

Kirchhoff, Frank

Molecular Physiology

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16441

Klose, Margarete

Klose, Margarete

Technical Assistant

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16417

Knobloch, Jan

Knobloch, Jan

MD student

Kramer, Heike

Secretary Group Engel

AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16222

Krause, Elmar

Krause, Elmar

Scientific Staff

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16407

Kurt, PD Dr. Simone

Kurt, PD Dr. Simone

Scientific Staff

AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16203

Küchler, Nadja


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16319

Lauterbach, Marcel

Prof. Dr.

AG Lauterbach

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16410

Legler, Ute

Legler, Ute

Secretary Group Kirchhoff

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16441

Legler, Ute


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16301

Leinders-Zufall, Trese

Sensory and Neuroendocrine Physiology

AG Leinders-Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16350

Lin, Ching-Hsin

Lin, Ching-Hsin

PHD Student

AG Rettig

Lis, Annette

Lis, Annette

Scientific Staff

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16

Lotfinia, Ahmad

Lotfinia, Ahmad

PhD student, Neuroscience

t: 06841-1616412

Medlej, Yasser

Medlej, Yasser

PhD student, Neuroscience

t: 06841-1616412

Münkner, Stefan

Münkner, Stefan

Scientific Staff

AG Engel

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16205

Mörschbächer, Gabriele

Secretary Group Leinders-Zufall & Zufall

AG Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16350

Mörschbächer, Gabriele

Secretary Group Leinders-Zufall & Zufall

AG Leinders-Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16350

Niemeyer, Barbara

Niemeyer, Barbara

Molecular Biophysics

AG Niemeyer

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16304

N., N.


Ojha, Navin, Dr.

wiss. Mitarbeiter

AG Leinders-Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16377

Prates Roma, Leticia

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16440

Pyrski, Martina

Scientific Staff

AG Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16336

Qu, Bin

Qu, Bin

Scientific Staff

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16310

Roter, Marina

Roter, Marina

Labmanager, Secretary Group Bruns

AG Bruns

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16494

Rothgerber, Nicole

Rothgerber, Nicole

Technical Assistant

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16417

Sandmeier, Katrin

Technical Assistant

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16417

Schauenburg, Daniel

Schauenburg, Daniel

Technical Director Animal Facility

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16444, 16-16280

Schauenburg, Daniel

Animal Care Meister

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16280

Scheller, Anja

Scheller, Anja

Scientific Staff

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16460

Schirra, Claudia

Schirra, Claudia

Scientific Staff

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16405

Schniebs, Angélique


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16243

Schulz, Lucinda-Eileen

Schulz, Lucinda-Eileen


t: +49 (0)6841 16-16473

Schwarz, Bernadette

Schwarz, Bernadette

Secretary Cellular Neurophysiology

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16400

Schwarz, Eva

Schwarz, Eva

Scientific Staff

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16310

Schwarz, Yvonne

Schwarz, Yvonne

Scientific Staff

AG Bruns

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16477

Schäfer, Gertrud

Technical Assistant

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16312

Seelert, Kathleen


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16312

Seth, Rhea

Seth, Rhea

PhD Student

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16448

Sharma, Shulagna


AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16321

 Shikha, Deep

Shikha, Deep


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16471

Sigol Samsami

Sigol Samsami

Medical student/ HiWi

Stevens, David

Stevens, David

Scientific Staff

AG Rettig

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16405

Stopper, Gebhard

wiss. Mitarbeiter

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16464

Stumpf, Rüdiger

Feinwerkmechaniker; Posterdruck


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16259

Tu, Szumin

Tu, Szumin

PHD Student

AG Rettig

Vialle, Joanne


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16319

Vorndran, Monika

Technical Assistant

AG Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16334

Weiß, Jan

Scientific Staff

AG Leinders-Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16376

Wirkner, Marie-Louise

Wirkner, Marie-Louise

PHD Student

Zhang, Hong


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16321

Zhang, Ting

PhD Student

AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16449

Zhang, Ying


AG Kirchhoff

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16447

Zhao, Renping

Scientific Staff

AG Hoth

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16320

Zhou, Xiangda


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16320

Zufall, Frank

Molecular Neurobiology

AG Zufall

t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16350

Zöphel, Dorina


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16320

Zöphel, Sylvia


t: +49 (0) 6841 16-16321